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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Finally a fix for Blogger Dynamic View Templates not Loading Properly

When Dynamic View templates were first introduced close to two years ago, we were awed by it's shiny design and the clean look that the templates gave us. Then we were slightly annoyed by the fact that they were not very much customisable. And then we realised that every now and then, the blog won't load in full - something I used to call the 'Ghost Template' - where only a single 'Subscribe' gadget is shown, and none of that tabs, comments and other stuffs. Turns out, Blogger included a timeout mechanism within the template itself to ensure a fast loading speed when your blog is rendered. If your contents are too large to be loaded within the defined timeout period, it'll just load a stripped down version of your full template.

Luckily, the good people at Global Nomads finally found a fix. Check out their post below.

Fixed: Blogger Dynamic Views Fails to Load Properly


  1. Thank you for sharing! I had the issue for months and applied the fix.It works fine now.

    1. hi
      my blog right slide bar not showing template
      how add tempplate
      posts,comments ,earning,pageout,layout,theme,setting all showing
      but not tempate
      "How To Fix Sidebar Not Showing In Blogger Template"

  2. Thank you Mr. Yoga! I've been trying to find this fix forever!

    1. All credits go to the Global Nomads, I'm just spreading the fix. But I'm glad you've got this fixed, at last! :D

    2. Sadly, earlier this week I removed DV from my last two blogs that were using it - this blogs experienced the ghost even though they were small. Earlier this year I removed DV from my main two blogs because my audience complained about it so much. I really liked DV but felt that Google abandoned support and improvement of it some time ago.

      On a happier note, I have always appreciated the way that you have helped me Yoboy. Your helpful attitude and skillful answers kept me on DV for so long.

      Cheers, Bob

    3. I feel you Bob. The timeout in DV templates had always haunted me since DV was first introduced, which was why I was so reluctant to make a full switch to dynamic view templates. I'm still waiting to see if they'd make the HTML/Javascript gadget compatible with DV template. If that ever sees the light of the day, that'll be the time I make my jump :)

      Thanks Bob, always appreciate your comments here :)

    4. Also, because we are talking about the DV template and its problems, I feel like my blog is being glitchy, and a follower of mine even mentioned this. Sometimes the view comment option doesn't even appear, and it takes a few refreshes to get back to normal. Have any idea what it may be? (here's the link)

    5. Sounds like the Ghost template effect. Have you tried the fix in the link above?

  3. Thank you SO SO MUCH for sharing this link!
    I struggled with this for looong (but was hopeful) :}
    Best regards

  4. Thank you for spreading the fix. It works great. The other tutorials on this side are fantastic. Great work.

  5. Thank you very much for this link! The fix works! I was just about done with DV's, So happy this now works. You are the best! :)

  6. Dear Yoga ^-^
    I would like to ask you if putting one widget inside another one is possible. I did a layout for a menu Here and put a Facebook plugin inside without any problems. Even though I tried to make my Followers widget appear in this menu, nothing works.
    I would be very grateful seeing a reply. :)


    1. If you're referring to a HTML widget, I guess it is possible. Let's bring this discussion to the forum? It'll be easier for me to help your there. Go to Blogger Help Forum and create a discussion there, and let me know its link once it's publ

  7. Thanks for sharing this information, it was driving me crazy to see my blog like that! It's fixed now :)

  8. As always the only site that actually has help that works. cheers from Australia

  9. Thank you for sharing this info. I like so much about Dynamic Views, but it was frustrating my readers who usually like to comment. Cheers to 2globalnomads for working it out!

  10. If you have flipcard, how do you do to make "all the flipcards" center in the middle but still allign in rows from left? They are on my screen ALL to the left, with much space on the right side... Thanks! (I have changed the amount of Flipcards as one of your tutorials showed)

    1. Hi Simon,

      Have you got this sorted? I'm seeing space on the left side instead.

    2. No... As you self put in the amount of pixels from the left, the amount of pixels between the cards and the "end" depends on the screen size. On my laptop screen everything works excellent, even with too LITTLE space underneath the cards (making no black area under the cards). Is it possible to fix that? While on the big screen everything centered in the right-upper corner. Thanks, Simon

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes! The problem is fixed, but now I have another problem. The problem I have is that there is no margin between the bottom of the page and the flipcards (on smaller screens). Thats not good looking. How do I change that?

    5. Hi Simon,

      This comes by design, and I'm afraid there isn't much we can do to introduce a new element towards the bottom of the page to add the margin.

  11. Sorry for all the replies :) I just have one last thing to ask; On the backside of the flipcards, the text is positioned in the upper end (I have removed the date etc.). Is there anyway to make it positioned in the center vertically?

    HUGE Thanks Yoga, what would blogger be without you? ;)

    1. Terribly sorry for my late reply. I've been caught with life here...

      Ah, looks like you've gotten it sorted. Holla at me if you need something else :)


  12. thanks it is a great help , finally got a way to get rid of that problem.

  13. thanks, thanks, thanks.


  14. This is totally awesome. :)

    I have learned so much from this website to customize my beauty blog. It looks so different & great now. Thanks alot!

    Pretty Gloss ♥ beauty, makeup & a bit of life..

  15. Hello yoboy,My name is Oluwafemi Opeyemi.i am a new blogger,
    Am happy to find person like you on the net especialy your website
    because your website is full of usefull tutorial. please yoboy,
    i want you to help me on my blog. my blog does not display the
    pages that i added on it. the blog is not a dynamicview template
    This is the link to my blog
    I will be happy to ear from you. thanks.

    1. Hi Oluwafemi,

      Have you tried adding the Pages gadget, either by:

      1) going to Dashboard - Pages - Show pages as - Top tabs


      2) Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget - Pages?

  16. Thank you so much! You're a hero in my book. Clear proof that there are wonderful, brilliant fellow humans out there -- waiting for determination and lucky chance to lead to their discovery.

    Best regards to you

    1. Those are some serious words. Thanks Decian! Means a lot :D

      Cheers and God bless!

  17. Bro your awesome... Was going outta ma mind with the awful display on my blog but now, Yipee... Thanks a bunch. Check out my site God bless

  18. Can I recommend you Site on my Blog as a backlink for others to visit? I would gladly do so.

    1. Gladly, go ahead mate! :)

      Cheers and God bless!

  19. Thanks a lot , i did see footfalls dipping for my blog and was concerned your solution helps to me retain my readers

  20. Hi!

    The guys from 2globalnomads did a good job finding out what the problem is!

    Their solution is a relatively good first access, but it doesn't resolve the problem for all connection speeds.

    Please find a solution for all connections speeds here:

    Hope you like it.

    Have fun!

  21. I spent nearly 2 days to fixed this problem, thanks god I find this page. Thanks alot for your share

  22. Thanks man! This info is awesome! Legend!

  23. We're trying to get a custom widget script src="" type="text/javascript"> /script to appear either in the widget box or separately floating on the right side of our dynamic views page. Is this possible? THANKS!

    1. I'm afraid DV templates do not support HTML/Javascript gadgets, and other means of injecting script into the template often yield unsuccessful results.

  24. Awesome! Thank you so much for the info! I hope you will keep posting tutorial cause all your post help me greatly!
    Keep going and god bless!
    The result of the fix.
    (Still people still need to clear the cache before seeing the new version of the site. :-( )

  25. Hhhmmmm Yoga, i tried thid fix and even cleared my cache and it's not showing the update. But other blogs will show all their gadgets. :( If you have time could you check it out? Thanks, Tasha

    1. Hi Tasha,

      Instead of 1000, try 500, 100, 200, 1500 and 2000 (one at a time, of course). Let me know how it goes.

  26. Thanks for the fast reply! I just tried all of those. No, it didnt work. I'm so sad!!! I love blogger and hate when things dont work! I dont think it's my browser because all my gadgets show up in a separate blog I have in DV ( which has "0" on the HTML code to change) My biz website ( wont show the gadgets. The only other thing I have changed is the welcome page per your turotial.

    SIGH.... ahhhh I know it's so little and I can just add everything on the menu but .... errrr!!! Thanks for all tutorials you do. If you have any other ideas let me know.

    Love & Respect,

    1. Hi Tasha,

      Sorry for the late reply. If you have tried everything and it still isn't working, I think it's time to go for the extreme. I'd suggest this. Keep just one or two gadget (remove the rest), and set the timeout to 500. See if it works. Even if it doesnt, just drop a word here (while still keeping it at 500), I'll have a look and see if anything else can be done to make it work.

    2. Hi Yoga -

      Okay, so I tried and it didnt work. I have kept it at 500 and removed some gadgets... Thanks for taking the time to do this.


    3. Oh by the way, Could you look at my posts? When you click to view them it seems to cut off in the middle of my words instead of the spaces in between them. Thanks Again, Tasha Faith

    4. NEW UPDATE!!!! I realize you are busy and me too. I had some time to play around and in my blog and I was to get the side bar gadget to show. I reverted it back to "0"
      I eliminated the updates one at a time that I got from your blog. I had added a new default page and when I deleted it, my widgets came up (yay). But now I cant have a homepage, I like the widgets so I dont have to add too much pages. Can the "gadget dock" and change default page" code be update to work at the some time?

      Also, I noticed the Gadget Dock still overlaps on the other pages, it only does it on the home page (which I left visible).

      Thanks Again

    5. UPDATE #2 I had the first gadget code, coded in my blog to force to stay docked but I changed it to the one that does cover the scroll bar. then I tried to change the landing page and it did show up anymore again. I guess my issues are all over the place. I will wait for your reply to tis message. I dont want to start blowing up your blog on all your posts LOL!

      So issues on my blog are:
      Gadget Dock does not appear when landing page is changed.
      Can the Gadget dock stay dock and not block the scroll bar? (i tried using both code and had some issues loading)

      Thanks again ( took the landing page off by the way)

    6. Hi Faith,

      I see your gadgets are showing fine now. Can you check if it has been fixed?

      As for your posts, could you point me to an example?

    7. Happy Holidays Yoga!!!

      My posts are aligning perfectly now, must have been a Blogger interface error >> ???

      As far as my gadgets, they work great when I didn't change the "default hopepage" I just changed the settings again and they are GONE!!! :( Is there a fix for that or should I just add a page for what I would have on my widgets?

      Tasha Faith

    8. I know they do a have a bug right now that's affecting the way the URL is used - I suppose that could come directly into play when we use the page re-direct feature. Well, let's stay away from it for now till they get it sorted.

  27. Hi I've just switched to Dynamic View and love it however my pages don't show up? I've got the gadget added and the pages chosen to show at the top of the page... I don't understand! Not even the side widgets always show up. My blog is Please help!

    1. Hi Jackie,

      Have you tried the timeout tweaked linked in the post above? I see your timeout value is still set at 0. Try changing to 500 and let me know how it goes.

  28. The fix didn't work for me and, out of sheer frustration, I opted to switch to a traditional template as I have used in the past on my older blogs. These new (they're not new, but might as well be for how basic and buggy they are) Dynamic Views are too limited, in my opinion. Even the most basic of user, I think, would be better-suited by using the Simple template and using the Template Designer to add a background image and alter the colours a little.

    1. I'd totally agree with you. I for once would never switch to the dynamic templates. Call me traditionalist, but I still prefer the old templates, like this Minima I'm using in this blog. Old and robust.

  29. Hey. My contact form doesn't work, and I'm not sure why. ): I'm using the dynamic views template so I think that's causing it to not function. Here is a link to my contact form:
    I really would appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to fix this! Thanks! :)

    1. Hi.. I've left you a reply here:!msg/blogger/H9WeY-Xmjfk/JHe2562WBbIJ

  30. I have one gadget that shows up only when it wants to... the Followers gadget. Is there a trick to forcing it to load?

    My blog is www.okracomics,com

    The gadget should be at the top of the gadget totem pole.

    Thanks, you ROCK!!!!

    1. Hi Davy,

      I can see the gadget each time I load your blog. Is this still an issue?

  31. HI, I have tried the fix and the link from global nomads, but some of my gadgets still do not show (it only shows google followers & blog archive, it does not show 'follow by email' and 'follow this blog with bloglovin'.
    I hope you can help me out here.
    My blog is:


    1. Hi there,

      Your 'Follow By Email' gadget is combined with your subscribe gadget (your top-most gadget), and I'm not quite sure what 'follow this blog with bloglovin' gadget is, but it does sound like a third party gadget that you'd have to add using a HTML/Javascript, which unfortunately, do not work in Dynamic templates.

  32. Hi Yoga, by any chance do you know how I can get my Follow me by email widget to appear in DV. I had a different template, and when I changed to DV, it does not seem to appear anywhere on those views... Thanks!

    1. Hello LRK,

      See this :)

  33. Didn't really work for me, sadly.
    I have customized most of my blog using your tips, but this one particular issue doesn't seem to be fixed
    Last post doesn't show smoothly, i need to refresh it at least once. even if I tried the timeout function.
    Any ideas?

    1. Hello Elena,

      I'm afraid I've got nothing as well :( The DV templates are really hard to work with..

    2. I wonder if it's possible to rip one of the dynamic views (in my case, i only use the mosaic one with everything else disabled), customize it the oldschool way (notepad++ or something similar) and then use it as a non-dynamic template? I am still looking for a mosaic "clone" template so that I could switch to vanilla and put an end to all my misery :))

    3. The very nature of DV template is what makes it dynamic. It runs of scripts hosted in Blogger servers. The 'Edit HTML' part that you see is pretty much worthless to make any changes. We're gonna have to build a whole template from scratch if we were to convert the dynamic template to an xml one, which is a lot of work.

  34. How to add news ticker in dynamic view blogger ,Give me the code ASAP

    1. Hello Bala,

      Unfortunately DV templates still lack the ability to add third party widgets.

  35. Hi Sir,
    Can I ask for an advice as to how to fix my problem.
    My blog loads just fine but when I load my older posts, particularly when I reach the third page, I cannot load it.
    Here is the url :

    Best regards sir, I hope you have suggestions, thank you!

    1. Hello Carissa,

      Sorry for the late reply. I do not have any issue viewing your older posts. I went as far as page 4 or 5 and all your older posts are showing up fine. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and cookies? This could be a browser issue.

  36. When I use the flipcard, I am unable to get the gadgets on the page. Bu when I use the DV, the flipcard option is not available. Is there a way I can get the flipcard option in DV

    1. The flipcard option should be present by default. What's your blog's address?

  37. Is not working anymore :/ any idea? :(

  38. sur need your help ...i want the background changes by clicking different menu option...


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