Southern Listeners

Thanks to Greenlava for this cool gadget. Get yours here

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Center Title in Blogger Dynamic View

Here's a quick one. I've seen a couple of questions about this in the past - how to center blog's title in Blogger's Dynamic View. If you don't have a description set, your title will look isolated on the left, and there will be lots of empty space to the right. Here's how you can bring your blog's title to the center.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Place Blogger 'Load More' link above Comment Form

If you have more than 200 comments in any given post, only the first 200 comments will be visible. To see the rest of the comments, you need to click on a link that says 'Load More' (see picture above). Here's the problem. This link is poorly positioned, that it can easily go unnoticed - giving the impression that the 200th comment is the last comment in your post. In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can place the link right under your last comment, making it relatively obvious. A big shoutout to my buddy Nitecruzr for helping me out.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maximize Post Width in Blogger Dynamic View


Back to Dynamic View, yeah~.. So, a forum user asked me how to maximize the pop-up post pages in Blogger's dynamic view. Let's make this snappy.. Here's how.