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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Remove Border and Shadow from Blogger Dynamic View Images

First of all, my apologies for being ever so busy. I've been bombarded with lots of MSc level assignments, and they literally sucked the life out of me. Even now I've got lots of things going on in my mind. But that's not gonna stop me from publishing a post this week. I once published a post titled "Remove Blogger Picture Shadow and Border", and eventually this post became one of the most viewed posts in this blog. But as you can tell, it wasn't meant for dynamic view templates. Today, Im'ma show you how you can get rid of the borders and shadows from your dynamic view pictures as well.

If you're using the old Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard - Design - Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.

If you're using the new Blogger interface: Go to Dashboard ('House' symbol) - Template - Customize - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.
.entry-content img{
box-shadow: none !important;
padding: 0px !important;
border: 0px !important;


  1. Well it didn't work for me. I have a question though: I uploaded the image via photobucket and it ends .png. Is there a problem with that?

  2. @Olga: This tweak is for Dynamic View template. For your template, see the link below:

    Remove Blogger Picture Shadow and Border

    And nope, using .png shouldn't be a problem. Cheers.

  3. Thanks for your quick reply. However, is this also for signatures' borders? Because this is what I'm really after. I've tried your tweak for signatures but it didn't work either. The white box is still there. Do I do something wrong? I don't think so, steps taken are so easy. Any extra help will be much appreciated!

  4. @Olga: There isn't one single tweak in this blog that doesn't work :) If I find any of my tweaks to be obsolete, I'd update them or remove them. The last time I checked, the tweaks for removing shadows are still very much relevant - so yeah they should work. And I've just tested my code again on your blog seconds ago, and it does work --> Screenshot

    And yes, the link that I gave you before should remove borders and shadow from signature image as well. If you want to remove border and shadow from signature images alone, see the following tweak:

    Removing Border and Shadow from Blogger Signature Image

    If it doesn't work, don't remove/reverse the tweak. There could be other factor(s) that's blocking you from seeing the result. If you get back to me WITH the code in place, I'd inspect your blog to see what went wrong :)

    All the best. Cheers and God bless.

  5. OK I've put the code in place. It works for pics. But for signatures...nope! Please check out for yourself and let me know if any extra step should be taken.
    Thank you so much for your time!

  6. @Olga: Your signature used to look like this --> before_screenshot, and now it looks like this --> after_screenshot

    No more borders and shadows. So I'd say the tweak worked perfectly. Cheers.

  7. But I thought that it would make the white box disappear...maybe this is another tweak then... ok no worries! Thank you very much for all your help today!

  8. @Olga: Well, the white box has nothing to do with this tweak. In fact, there isn't any code that you can just add to make the white box disappear, because it is part of your image. See your twitter logo on your sidebar? That is an example of a transparent image. You need to get a transparent image, to get rid of your white background. I'm not an expert in image-making, but I'd suggest you to go back to the place where you generated your signature image, and see if you have an option to choose a transparent background.

    Cheers and God bless.

  9. Well, you've been more than helpful! Thank you so much and sorry for all the trouble (new to blogging experience)!!!

  10. @Olga: No problem. Happy blogging :)

  11. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!! I thought I had solved the border problem from another site but this one was the one that did the job! Goodbye borders!!

    1. It works for me too ! Please do more dynamic blogger tutorials!

  12. @Louise: Glad you finally got rid of it :) Happy blogging...

  13. You are really amazing spending your time with all kind of bloggers (Experience or not) wow!!

    But I prefer to see my images with shadow and border, so this one I skipped!

    all the best

  14. @Luis: It's nice to see some soothing words after a long and tiring day. Thanks buddy :)

    Cheers and God bless..

  15. It worked for me so I just wanted to thank you for this post. This frame border/shadow problem has been frustrating me for months. (I suffer from css block)Thanks!

  16. @Luke Temple Walsh: Glad you managed to get rid of it :) Happy blogging!

  17. What about removing a shade from a single image and not to all?

  18. thanks for the code..i've been waiting for this.
    God bless!

  19. @Hello, I'm Nelly.: You're using an xml template, whereas this tweak is written for dynamic view templates. For xml templates, see the link below:

    Remove Blogger Picture Shadow and Border

  20. It seems to be not working with imgaes with white background - like an image of a logo on white - it still has a narrow border, but the second one.

    1. Should work with all images, regardless of their background. Do you have a link to the image you're referring to?

    2. As well as all the images have a tiny gray shadow.

    3. It does work on all the images I've found in your blog. This is a screenshot of one of your images before the tweak:

      And this after:

      Don't see any border/shadow around it.

    4. I see,
      now i took a look at the blog using Chrome, but in my old-good Opera the images still have a tiny shadow.


    5. Thanks for informing. What version are you using? Seems fine on Version 10 and above:

  21. Thanks for this, i have been wanting to add my own shadows for a while now! Impressed by your patience with some of the comments above ;)

    1. Haha.. You're most welcome. You can add your own shadows now :)

      Happy blogging!

  22. Thanks, just started working with this view and the shadow on my signature was driving me crazy. Easy to understand & put into action- can't ask for more from a tutorial. Good work & thanks again.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. You're most welcome :) Happy weekend!

  23. THANK YOU THANK YOU so much! Your blog, has really answered all my questions with Dynamic blogger, you have made it so extremely easy. very much appreciated.

  24. thanks - this is great. shadows drive me nuts! I stil cant remove the shadow from the lower bar of the header bar - how would I do this?

    many thanks!

    1. Hi Martine,

      The shadow is the only thing that separates your header bar with the rest of the page. If you remove the shadow completely, there won't be any lines to indicate that is your header bar. What you can do is, trim the shadow a little bit to make it appear like the shadow on the upper bar of the header. Go to Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.

      #header .header-drawer, .ss{
      box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); !important;

    2. yipppeeee! it worked thank you so much! I love your tutorials and your willingness to help. thank-you thank-you!

    3. Helping makes me feel better :) Happy blogging..

  25. Thank you soooo much! It's been driving me crazy lol.

  26. You are a lifesaver and I'm a new convert to your wonderful blog hahaha....on a sidenote though, is there anyway to get rid of ALL the shadows? I've been up all night trying to find a code (even lots of individual codes) to get rid of the shadows (especially around my posts) please and thank you

    1. For the whole blog eh.. Let me see if I can figure something out..

      Here, Go to Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.

      div {
      -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;
      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;
      box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;


  27. Your a life saver and a legend, my pics now look great. Thanx

  28. Mine isn't working :(
    sorry, but I'm really bad with hmtl etc. could you please help me?

    also, how do i remove the shadow around the whole post?


    1. You're not using a dynamic view template. For non-dynamic views templates, see this post:

      Cheers :)

  29. eek! your my new favorite person!!! thanks so much for posting this!!

  30. eek!!! you're my new favorite person! thank you so much for posting this!!

    1. You're most welcome! Love the photos in your blog~ :)

  31. Thank you! The tacky borders are gone!!

  32. Thanks for that - it works, but unfortunately blogger also makes transparent layers in images show up as white. Very irritating! Hopefully one day we will have choices on how any image show up.

  33. It's OK - I worked it out from another of you postings and just added this line... background: white !important;

  34. thank so much, I've been putting off doing this as I thought it would be really long and complex to do, but it was so easy and simple thanks to you, thanks for sharing x

  35. I was doing a google search and ran across your site. I recently setup Dynamic View and I don't understand why when I click on an image to see it in full view there are no buttons to close the overlay or move to the next picture. Do you know a solution, is something wrong, or is it just std. to use the back button?

    My site is if that helps.

  36. Hi Traveler,

    Sorry for the late reply. And yeap, it is just standard. Nothing is wrong with your blog. I'll see if I can find a workaround. Meanwhile, you might wanna post a question in the Help Forum to see if the folks there know a workaround.


  37. It doesn't work for me, I wanted to remove the image border on the "about me" part, and also when I post. Already added the css code but the border images still there :(

  38. Owait, it worked, sorry. Turns out it was a little typo :D

  39. Hei,im trying to figure out here, how to get image borders like they were on old classic minima template? Trying to apply on dynamic view. In my opinion they should be something like padding:4px; border:1px solid #ddd; and all those shadow stats set to 0px (sry im quite beginner).

    I managed to get similar borders on simple template design, but I cant view entire code on dynamic view and dont know what to add with this "ass CSS" feature.
    I liked old classic template, but after blogger updates, right border of images goes missing on my blog while adding new images. Heres image showing my missing border on right side (on right picture) - happens only with new images added and on size large.


    1. Hi James,

      I can see your entire border in your blog. Have you got it sorted?

  40. Your tutorials and tips are great---just what I needed! Thanks!

  41. Hei and thanks for your attention Yogaratnam N.

    I am using simple template at the moment and I managed to edit html there like I wanted.

    But I would like to change it on Dynamic template, but as I cant see the hole html code there, I dont know what should I add with "add CSS"

    I will change it to dynamic now, so you should see the missing border.


  42. Hi again, sry for my last post, seems the missing border problem is really sorted out!

    The only question now is, how to change post image border size on dynamic template using "add CSS" feature ?

    I have tried:

    box-shadow: none !important;
    padding: 2px !important;
    border: 1px !important;

    But it just removes borders like in tutorial, I would like to change its size :)


    1. Hi James,

      Use this. Add it to your 'Add CSS'.. The changes won't be immediate, which mean you're gonna have to save it first and see the changes when your blog loads..

      .separator img{
      padding: 4px !important;
      border: 5px solid #ddd !important;

      Adjust the value '5px' to change your border size.


  43. Hey Yoga, I've tried using your code but am not getting the results I'm wanting.. I still have a white border around each image. See here:


    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Shane,

      Technically, those images are thumbnails. Post images are the images that you see when you click on a post, and their border/shadows are gone. Worry not, there's a way to remove borders from thumbnail pictures too. Add this to your css:

      .mosaic .item{
      border: 0px !important;

      Cheers :)

  44. Hi, this code is not working for me. My address is Some of the other codes in this site work, some don't, I don't know why.. followed all the instructions very carefully, and I'm definitely using Dynamic Views unlike most of the people who complain about the codes not working for them. Thanks!

    1. Hi Jhessica,

      Sorry for the late reply. I don't see border/shadow on your first image. Have you got this sorted?

  45. Thanks for your time helping others! Worked fine!

  46. This isn't working for me can you please help i'm going BANANAS


    1. Sure thing, what's your blog's address? Sorry for the late reply btw.

  47. For me this script dosent work , i dont know why , but this frames makes me angry :)

    1. Hi J and K. You're not using a dynamic view template, whereas the tweak given above is for dynamic view templates only. Try the following link for your template:

      Cheers :)

  48. Yes!!! Finally! THANKYOUSOMUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


  49. Doesn' work for me

    My blog is

    1. You're not using a Dynamic View template. For your template, use this:

      .post img, {
      border: 0px !important;

  50. Thank you Thank you T____T
    First I saw your other post - the one that's not about dynamic view - and I thought I was doing something wrong, but here it is!!

    Thank you so much !

    1. No problem at all.. Glad you found the right page :)

  51. love this one!!!!!!! only now how do i remove the shadow around my main page?

    1. Hi Ramy,

      You're gonna love this one as well.. Here:

      border: 0px !important;

      Cheers :)

  52. Love your site - have learned so much! I am trying to remove border from around posts. Have tried. #content{
    border: 0px !important;

  53. Nevermind - found the answer on one of your other pages on how to delete border from around each post. Again, thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    li.item {
    border: 0px !important;

    1. Hi Dreg,

      Glad you found your answer! And no problem at all, anytime!

      Cheers and God bless :)

  54. This didn't work for me :( I have been trying to get this tweek to work forever and haven't been successful! Any way you could help?

    1. Hi Courtney,

      You're looking at the wrong tutorial. The tweak in this page is for Dynamic View template only.

      This is what you should be looking at --> Remove Blogger Picture Shadow and Border

  55. thank you for your comments. I have still borders on my page. Please check this detail:
    Thank you

    1. Hi FL,

      It's coming from your post. You can remove it by adding the following CSS to your 'Add CSS' box:

      .viewitem-panel .viewitem-content{
      border: 0px !important;

      Cheers! :)

  56. Hi Yoga!!!
    I tried using your template but it doesn't work. Funnily enough - when I preview after adding CSS it DOES work.. but when I go to my page I still see the border and shadow.
    My blog is htpp://
    I would really appreciate your help!
    Thank you

    1. Hi Anna Lin,

      Remove the numbers from your code.. This is what you have:

      .entry-content img{
      box-shadow: none !important;
      padding: 0px !important;
      border: 0px !important;

      It should be just this:

      .entry-content img{
      box-shadow: none !important;
      padding: 0px !important;
      border: 0px !important;

      Let me know how it goes :)

    2. Haha I don't know how I couldn't figure that out myself!
      Thank you!!! :)

  57. It didn't work for me. You have another idea!
    This is y blog

    1. Hi Srikar,

      I don't see borders or shadow around your image -->

      Looks like the code worked :)

  58. Thank you! This worked for me and it was so easy.

  59. How about if I will have to remove the shadow of the whole blog instead?

    1. Depends very much to the kind of template you're using. Let me have a look. What's your blog's address?

    2. I just want an all out white like this Thanks.

    3. Try this. Go to Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog.

      .classic li.item{
      border: 0px !important;

      Cheers :)

    4. Thank You very much, It worked.. Thanks twice.. Will ask again.

  60. Thanks a lot. This code worked like a charm. It really did help. Thanks again.

  61. Millions of thank you's!!! :)

  62. Hello Yoga,
    I try to realize a blogspot page for a friend with a dynamic view, and I'm looking in your blog for a couple of days to find somme advices and ideas.
    I've really found a lot of useful things, and I've learned so much, thanks a lot !

    However I didn't find how to remove the shadow below the buttons (the menu), but is it possible ?

    1. Sounds doable.. Let me give it a try.. And here you go, add this to your 'Add CSS' box.. Cheers :)

      #header .header-drawer{
      box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

    2. It works, thanks !
      (it works so easily, when you know how to do it :)))

      I wonder if it's possible for me to translate some words in french, replace "search" in the search bar, for exemple, by "recherchez" (?).

      Have a nice day.

      And really a lot of thanks.

    3. Hi Valerie,

      There are some words/sentences that we can change to French, but the input text in the search bar isn't one of them..

  63. you changed my life!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making this so easy to understand. Even for non-coders and tech savvy gals like me!

  64. SOS SOS!

    statcounter told me to do something because the counter was off and it destroyed my entire template! and then when i uploaded my backup, that, too, was messed up! so i had to start from scratch! i have done almost everything. i tried to hide the header bar and i thought i succeeded, but now there is a white bar there that i can't get rid of. and i also entered the css code to hide those header shadows/bars so the entire page is the same color and that doesn't seem to be working. :( help !
    thank you thank you!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Montronix,

      The white bar is easily fixable. But there's another far more important thing that you have to take care right away. I've seen your blog's source code (what you'd see in your 'Add CSS' box), and it appears like your whole code is repeating itself numerous times. 97 times to be exact!!! Why is this bad you might ask. Say we make prepare a new code to get rid of the white bar, and add the new code to your 'Add CSS' box. But there are 97 other code that say the white bar should stay. See the problem?

      If I were you, I'd keep one set of the repeating code, and delete the rest. Gimme a nudge once you get this sorted.

    2. i just saw this. i never got this reply.
      the thing is , it doesn't show any code in the css box. i see it in the html and the page source. you are referring to the statcounter code, correct? but in the css box, there is no repeating code and there is no statcounter code.

      i wrote you back on another post we've been corresponding on. i gave you the new test blog url and that white box is still there. also, i don't know why the header is now lighter and kind of a gradient, when i have all the color hex codes as the same color. (well, i might have tried to make it dark in the old blog that's messed up).

      i just wanted to make sure you knew i never got this reply. :) sorry for all the hassle. my blog was perfect before i entered that damn statcounter code.

  65. thank you so much ! this really helped me in getting rid of border. thank you so much.

  66. I can't click 'Apply To Blog' when I use dynamic template. SO sad~

    1. Hi there,

      Have you tried using a different browser?

  67. Thanks a lot for this fantastic tip, the frames disappeared

  68. Worked perfectly! Simple instructions that yielded immediate and satisfactory results! Now my foodblog will look that much less amateur-ish.

  69. You are a lifesaver! Thank you so much!

  70. this didn't work for me :( followed all of the instructions. I am using a dynamic view.

    1. Check if your code is still there after restarting your browser. Some users couldn't get their code to save. Check to see if your blog's affected as well..

  71. I think it must work, but how to save the css?
    I'm going to advanced part of the creation tool, and then add the css (I'm translating it from the french interface I'm using).

    It seems that the css editing is auto saved (there is no Save button). So, I've copy/paste the css code. The preview is reloaded, but no change.
    I click on "Display Blog" button or "Apply to the blog", but nothing. Furetheremore, if I'm go back to the editing css page, the copy/pasted code is not here...

    It's really borring me. I didn't undsertand how to edit the css and save it! (I've alreay apply some other css trick on blogger, and I had the same problem, and then I've tried to copy paste ths css trick a hundred of time to finally success).

    So there is a way to save the edited css???
    (I'm using Firefox, not Chrome).

    1. Hi Trentenaire,

      I'm sorry this is happening to you. There is a bug lurking around the template designer that isn't letting users to save their changes, including CSS code. That is why you couldn't save any of your codes.

      Try using Internet Explorer to save the code. Some users have reported success with it. If IE doesn't work, you can still manually insert your CSS to your template by going to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - Proceed, but I won't recommend this method as editing HTML directly from your template's source is risky, and you might end up breaking your template (always backup before you edit your HTML)..

  72. what if i just want to change the color of the border and not remove it? ive tried tweaking your code but cant find the correct way to do it. should be something simple like box-shadow-color or box-shadow: black

    cheers mate! really appreciate all the work you've put into this. been using your code for a while now and just now had to comment

    1. Hi Corey,

      Give this a try, and let me know how it goes:

      .entry-content img{
      box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 5px red !important;
      border-image: none !important;

      Cheers :)

    2. the box shadow gives me a nice fade which i like. after playing with it last night i discovered an effect which i quite like but am still trying to get the white inside border width a bit smaller. oh buddy just figured it out by combining my css with yours :) here's what i got:

      .entry-content img{
      box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 5px black !important;
      background-color: black !important;
      padding: 3px !important;

      and here's a post for reference:

      what do you think? still up in the air for the border color of the pics in snapshot view.

    3. Hi Corey,

      Sorry for the late reply. Looking good there. Good job :)


  73. Fantastic and Simple - Thanks for this.. I was thinking I was going to have to change templates.

    Love the Blog!

    1. Thanks.. Glad it wasn't too late :)

      Cheers Brian..

  74. You are my hero!! Thank you!! You made that SO easy!!

  75. Thank you SO much for posting this! *HUGS*
    I tried so many different methods from other sites, but none of them worked. I thought I'd never get rid of those pesky shadows and border.

    Really appreciate your help! :D
    Roxi xx

    1. Hi Roxi,

      I'm glad I could be of help :D


  76. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I can't thank you enough! Thank you so fucking much!!!

  77. omgggg THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
    clearest explanation ever!!

  78. hi yoga thanks for the tip, i was just wondering if can just remove border for specific image but not for all of them. thanks again...

    1. Hi Ozz Sen,

      Yeap, here's what you're looking for:

      Cheers :)

    2. thanks so much yoga, you are genius:) i got one more problem to fix:( is thre any way to remove sharing history from the comment , i meant when i share one of my link it appears on the comment side, and i have a big list:( thanks again.

    3. I'm afraid I'm not quite following. Mind pointing me to a live one in action? Or a screenshot or something?

  79. I doesn't work for my blog..
    I tried everything, could you help me?

    1. Hi Natalie,

      Mind if I take a look at your blog?

    2. Hi,
      I fix it, found another code ;) Thanks for qucik reply!

  80. Thank you very much from Greece.
    It's OK for IE and Firefox but no for Chrome and Opera.

    How can I remove space between rows in a table?

    1. Hi Fotis,

      To remove space between rows in a table, assuming there isn't any cellpadding introduced within the table, all you have to do is change to your 'HTML' view (as opposed to Compose view), and delete any unnecessary line breaks between your rows. Can you point me to a post where this example is taken from?

  81. Thanks a lot, I just did it and t worked. Thumbs up!

  82. It doesn't do it to any other pages on my blog, just the main page. I would be thrilled to get rid of the border on ALL of my pages, could you help me with that?

    Thank you for finding/creating the code for the dynamic template. I really appreciate it, and it looks great!

    ALSO--- Do you know how to put a center header picture on dynamic view?

    1. Hi Alisa,

      It should work on all images in all pages. Could you point me to an image that is still showing its border?

  83. So I tried this and it didn't work for me, so I then removed it. I actually tried a couple of things. one being changing "separator" in the html viewing of the actual page to "noborderdv" and I had to remove that too because that didn't work either. I ran into a big problem though after making these changes. My website now shows an error when clicking on the "blog posts" link. Somehow my blog shows up if you click on the header bar, but will not show up when you click the actual link. See Please help!

  84. fixed my problem with the error code for page not found, but still can't remove the shadow box from my home page and I followed your protocol listed on

    1. Hi Azine,

      Are you trying to remove the border/shadows from all your images, or just some of your images?

    2. Could you point me to the post where this image is located?

  85. Can't get this to work :( Just applied the results, and it doesn't show any difference.

  86. Nevermind! Just didn't preview until refreshed!

  87. Thx so much for this. I'm new to blogger and am having a problem with the mobile version. This worked great on my laptop but the mobile version still has the borders around my pics. Any thoughts? I tried adding .mobile to the end as someone else suggested online but nothing changed. Thx in advance!

    1. Hi Krystle,

      Last I checked there is no way to edit the mobile version of your template when your desktop view is set to Dynamic, This could also be true for non-dynamic templates now, they keep changing these stuffs..

  88. I am going to chime in here and say the the mobile version does not work for me, and hasn't for a very long time. My solution to that is that I have disabled it, so my blog looks the same way on a mobile device as it does on a computer. Yoga is right, they have been changing up stuff so much, that a lot of times things don't function properly on my blog (the third party add-ons that I have, especially the You Tube video bar. Funny, because that's theirs! LOL!) Anyway, I recently tried to change my background, and although the image uploaded successfully, it didn't change at all! LOL! I am not even bothering with Blogger or Google and their buffoonery. As long as I can get into my blog to write my articles and respond to comments, I am not sweating out over it.

  89. Thanks so much ♥ it worked well. ☺

  90. Hello! Please tell me why borders and shading are not displayed in FireFox? What you need to do to display?

    1. Hello. What's your blog's address? Let me have a look.

  91. Dear Yoga, I have found your solutions here perfectly well adaptable to my blog and thank you for that. What I would like to see on the screen is a totally white minimalistic appearance with the name of my blog, the title of the article, the date and to achive that could you please help me to remove ALL the shades and lines from around everything in dinamic view? Especially the headbar, and the text column. And to change this ugly date label to a simple one? My idea is like your page but without all the frames, lines and borders.
    Thank you in advance, Andy

    1. Hello Andy,

      Do you have a URL I could have a look at? Also, let's bring this to the forum. It'll be easier for us to discuss there.


Please use the 'Ask a Question' page to shoot questions that are not related to the tutorial in the post above.