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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Publish Post in Blogger Static Pages

Well, not exactly. You can't publish a dynamic post in a static page. But you can make it appear so, by labeling your posts and linking your label to your tab menu. That's what this tutorial is about. If you want a demo, feel free to click on the Places, Review, Transformers and Photography link on top of this blog, and you will get a live demo of what I've been talking about.

Step 1:

Your posts must have been published beforehand. Next, go to Dashboard - Posts - Select the posts that you want to show in your 'static' page (by checking the boxes next to the posts) - Click on the Label icon - New Label - Then name your label accordingly.

Alternatively, you can also apply labels to a post while composing the post. The steps above is to add a label to posts in batch. You can apply more than one label to a particular post.

Step 2:

In this step, you have to find the link to your label page, which has your labeled posts in it. It's simple, either click on the label at the bottom of the post, or just follow the following format:
The label name is case sensitive. My two label links are:
If your label has two words, place %20 instead of space between the words. For example, if your label name is My Book, then your label link will look something like:
Before proceeding, try accessing these pages, see if you can view a page that has only a selected posts in it.

Step 3:

If you don't already have a Pages gadget, it's time to add one. Go to Layout - Add a Gadget - Pages.

Next, we want to add our label's link to our Pages gadget. Go to Dashboard - Pages - New Page - Web Address. Paste the the address of your label in the box.

Step 4:

You're done! But wait.. In your blog, if you have a post which is newer compared to the latest post in your virtual page, you will be greeted with a tag that looks like this:

You can remove this by adding the following CSS code:
display: none;
Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - Paste the above code there.

Happy trying.


  1. Well this all work, just my list is not horizontal now (as page list was). Can I change that?

  2. @Ninocka: Some templates do not define the crosscol section well enough to handle the LinkList gadget. This can be easily fixed.

    Go to Dashboard - Design - Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog:

    #crosscol ul li{
    display: inline-block;
    padding: .6em 1.5em;


  3. Problem solved. :) Thank you very much!

  4. Even after applying the code you gave, my list is still horizontal. I have paced more gadgets on the side. Just below the Link List gadget. Is it because of this that the above code didnt work?

    Here is the link of my blog,

  5. @Joel John: Hi Joel. This tutorial shows how you can categorize your posts using Labels and Linklist. I'm not sure what you're actually looking for. If your Linklist appear vertical instead of Horizontal, refer to this tutorial.

    I've also noticed that you're using 1 linklist gadget for each one of your link. You can add multiple links with a single linklist gadget, you don't have to add a gadget for each one of your links. If you have further question, you can shoot your question by clicking here. Cheers and God bless.

  6. Hello,
    I am completely new to blogs.
    I try to put my one post under a page.
    I have created pages as you describe and set labels.
    But the result is to see the one post
    under the 3 pages i have created.
    What is wrong???

  7. Hello,
    I am completely new to blogs.
    I have created one post with a label
    i have created also 3 pages as you describe
    but the post appears under the 3 pages.
    What is wrong???

  8. @happy: What is your blog's address?

    is my blog.
    Don't freak....i have just started :-)

  10. @happy: You have done Step 2 wrong. Your label link should:

    Not just this:

    And you only have one post and one label. Create more posts and more labels, and link different labels to your 3 pages.


  11. Yeeeeesssss it works!
    God bless you :-)

    I have also another issue.
    I want visitors to add their blog
    in my page links.
    Do you have related post?

  12. @craftsbook: That won't be possible. But you could set a dedicated comment page and ask your readers to leave their website addresses there:

    Dedicated Comment Page


  13. First, thank you very much for all of the great tutorials here.

    I have been testing using a link list in place of the Pages widget, and everything works great, except that the link tabs don't stay highlighted to show which page you are on. The Pages tabs do, and I see that your link tabs stay "active" as well. Do you have any idea what might be wrong, or how I can fix it? Thanks again for all of the great work.

  14. @Joshua: Actually I do. Linklist won't highlight your current page. If you want your current page to be highlighted, you need to use Pages gadget and heavily modify it. See the tutorial below:

    Customize Tabs on Pages Gadget

  15. Hi. Thank you for this tutorial. It's exactly what I was looking for. I do have a question for you. I have a gap between my linklist bar and page bar. Is there anyway to narrow the gap?

  16. @Just Another Hat: I couldnt find your linklist bar anywhere near your pages bar, where exactly is it?


  17. Sorry, the gap bothered me so much. I deleted the linklist. I will put it up again.

  18. @Just Another Hat: I see what you mean. Here's your fix:

    Go to Dashboard - Design - Template Designer - Advanced - Add CSS - paste the following code - Press enter after the last character of the last line } - Apply to Blog:

    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;


  19. One more question: How do I get rid of the line after the "Low Entry Giveaways"?


  20. @Just Another Hat: Hmm, what line might that be? I can't see any, probably you have already gotten it fixed?

  21. Yes, I was able to fix the problem. Thanks for following up. I've referred your site to someone who has the same question as everyone else.

  22. @Just Another Hat: Looks like you're getting the hang of it. Way to go. Cheers.

  23. When I search LinkList in the Add a Gadget wizard, it does not turn up! Has this gadget been removed or renamed recently? Thanks for your help.

  24. @Brittany: The gadget is very much there. It is spelled Link List though. See the screenshot below:

    Link List Screenshot

  25. You are awesome! I thought I was doing everything correctly but Im lost! I am new to blogging and a bit confused. I made all my previous static pages link pages but now I am confused on how to post on them? Like I want ppl to be able to click the header and see the series of dated posts like you see with you home page? What did I do wrong :

  26. @Travelingnatural: You can't publish a post to a static page, per se. You can however, create the effect of having posts published in static page. You have to use labels for that. Just follow the tutorial in this page, step by step, and you will be fine. Let me know if you're having problem. Cheers.

  27. Hey YoboY!,

    Im still not getting it :( My page is still very new with not too many post yet but Im still not doing something right. I would like to use to the 2 static pages after my home page and create the link list on them so they appear like post on the homepage like your tutorial says...confused :(

  28. @Travelingnatural: Let's see in a different angle. I assume the following link is one of your static pages that you want posts to appear in:

    First step --> delete that page. You will never use an actual static page, for that is not possible. You CAN'T publish post into a static page, it is impossible.

    Second step --> Start labeling your posts. I see you have labelled your posts, but all your posts have different labels. But that doesn't matter. All you need to do now is find the link for your labels. For example, this is one:

    It only has one post in it because you only have given this label to one of your posts. If you create a new post and label that South Korea, you will see two posts in the link above. You get the idea.

    Third Step --> If you understand Step Two correctly, you'll realise that by using labelling, you can populate the posts in a label page (as shown in the link in Step 2). All you have to do now is to replace your Pages Gadget with a Linklist gadget, and include the link of your labels (the link/address in Step 2). That's it.


  29. Oh! it! I see what I did wrong. Thanks so much for your help! I'll work on it this week and let you know how it goes.

  30. Thanks a lot for your help man. Check out my blog. I have implemented this thing successfully.

    There is only 1 problem now and that is the post on my Home tab and Travelogue tab is same. Could it be changed so that my travelogues dont appear on the home page and only on travelogue page.

    BTW, thanks a lot for your help. If you are not able to understand my problem, just look at my blog and you will get it.

  31. @Rachti: Glad it worked. And nope, it is not possible. All published posts will appear in the main page no matter what you do.


  32. HI I am happy to have found you! I feel positive you can help.

    I've just switched to a custom blogger template. I located the html code that allows me to create static and more importantly non-static page and page, child and sub-child categories.(sorry if I'm not using the correct terminology). Was this not the correct route to attempt to set up pages in Blogger?

    Please visit: to see the horizontal top menu bar and click on Art to see the various drop downs such as '3D |Graphic'/ Painting and so on.

    My question: is what you have just described what I need to to do in order to link my published and archived posts to their relevant parent and child categories?

    IF SO? What do I do exactly to make sure an art post for example does not simply open under ART, but rather the drop down 'Painting' child category?


  33. @FlyingDakini: Nicely put.

    And yes, you're in the right direction. This is what you should do. Let's use your latest two posts as examples - Exit and Charming Baker. Let's say they are both 'Art' related, and the first one should go under 'Music, and the second one should go under 'Graphic Design'.

    For this to happen, you have to set the labels as such:
    1) For Exit - Apply two labels: Art and Music
    2) For Charming Baker - Two labels: Art and Graphic Design

    Now, for your 'Art' parent category, give this URL:

    For Music:

    For Graphic Design: Design

    If you do this right, when you click on Art, you will see both Exit and Charming Baker. When you click on Music, you will see Exit alone, and when you click on Graphic Design, you will Charming Baker alone.

    Hope that helps.

  34. 1. THANK YOU. You are an angel.

    2. Excellent. Everything worked. Except, there is nothing coming up when I click Art. I doubled checked the code. Looks fine. ?

    The children categories, like 'Painting', yes, all the posts labelled with painting are showing under this menu child menu category.

    3. An aside re CSS. I followed your instruction to remove labels from showing in published post. I posted the code in the CSS area as you depicted. I also cleared my browser cache just in case. And yet all the labels still show in ALL of my posts. I even tried republishing a post to check. ?

    Anyway. I am sure you are very busy! With lots of other grateful bloggees in need of your expertise!

    If you come across this and have an answer to share at your convenience, I will be forever indebted.

    Flying Dakini

  35. @Dakini:

    1) You're most welcome.

    2) The URL is case sensitive. 'Art' and 'art' are two different labels. Use the following address instead:

    3) You're using a custom template, therefore you need a custom code for most things - hiding labels included. Use the following custom code for your template:

    display: none;

    Cheers and God bless.

  36. Excellent. ! Again. !

    Is it possible to use two different URLs to make sure I draw in all archived posts where I labelled with 'art' and 'Art' interchangeably in the past? If so, how should that look?


    This would save me trying to relabel hundreds of archived posts. Plus I've tried relabeling some archived posts and it wont save the label with a title case, it just reverts to lower case on it's own. :(

    Flying Dakini

  37. @Dakini: That can't be done. One link = one URL. Only the URL seems to be case sensitive, not the actual label itself. What I'm trying to say is, you don't have any posts under 'Art', and probably never will. See this page:

    Even if you label something 'Art', it will not appear on the above URL, rather it will register under this URL:

    So don't worry about it.

  38. If I were to change my pages to label links, and then I wanted to change how the page (actually a list of posts with the same label) looked - I would do this by editing the posts? Like I'd delete a post to get rid of it or change the publish date on the post to move it up or down the page? Do I have that right?

    And - you haven't figured out a way to hide posts from your home page, have you?

  39. @GLE: You don't change your pages to label links. Your pages are very much there, and you can even add links to your static pages in LinkList gadget, next to your Label links.

    As for the Label link page, I wouldn't call it a page in the first page. It's more like a stream of posts. You can do very little editting on this stream. But yeah, if you want to change the sequence of some posts, you need to change the publish date on it. If you want to get rid of some posts from appearing in the label stream page, simply edit that post, and remove the label. You don't have to delete the post altogether.

    As for hiding posts from the mainpage, I had an idea, but I'm yet to test it. If it works, I'll definitely publish a post on it.


  40. I am really confused on how to use my labels and link list gadget....I have a very new I just used some BS posts to try it out.... First I added an About Me label and a Tutorial label....done...but I don't understand what this "label page" is...? What I am trying to achieve is to have a navigation or menu bar at the top..with the links Home Tutorials Recipes About Me Contact. Then be able to have the posts that relate to them in that page as well as on the home or main page.. my blog is thank you.

  41. @Margaret:

    What I am trying to achieve is to have a navigation or menu bar at the top..with the links Home Tutorials Recipes About Me Contact. Then be able to have the posts that relate to them in that page as well as on the home or main page

    That is exactly what you'll have by following the tutorial in this page. Skip step 1. In Step 2, your label page's URLs will be

    Carry on with Step 3 by adding the links above to your menu bar by using a Linklist gadget.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I'm not sure if I get you right, but I you want to link to your dynamic view blog, have you tried the following format?

  44. @Yoboy, thanks for your quik reply.

    It worked out, but I can's solve the last problem.
    For now I have a 'homepage' in which I can link to my 'postpage'.
    The problem is that I can't set the number of post to 6 or anything else, it keeps going. At the bottom of the page there is now a link which says 'Newer post' I want that to be ' Older post'.

    Is there a way to set the max. number of post and remove the 'newer post' link you think?


  45. Sorry for my late reply. Seems like you've already sorted your issues out :) Happy blogging..

  46. Detail and straight to the point.. Thanks for this.. Really helpful

  47. Thank GOODNESS! You have helped me so much with this. I have been on the search for weeks and no ones info was helpful at all. This is step by step and it worked!! Thanks

    1. Kudos to you for not giving up in your search for the right answer! :)

  48. Thank you so much for this. I'm surely gonna share this.

  49. i created a static page called "about" instead of putting selected posts in it i directly added content via html. Now i have a huge "add a comment" box at the bottom of this static page. how do i delete it?

    ^--url to the page

    1. Edit your template - Add this directly below </b:skin>

      <b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
      display: none !important;

  50. Thank you so much..........................................

  51. OMG, thank you SO MUCH for this info! It was so easy to do and it works perfect!

    1. You're most welcome :)

      Cheers and God bless!

  52. I once lost the link to this post.
    I cried.

    1. There there.. Well, next time if you lose the link again, just remember that we're from the south, and we speak really loud.. Or you could just bookmark us :P

      Enjoy your stay here Sid!



    1. Not possible at the moment. I'll keep an open eye though :)

    2. OK, BCOZ I HAVE LOT-OF POSTS IN SAME LABEL , MY STATIC LABELED PAGE IS LOOKING SO LONGER, SCROLLING DOWN........................................................................... THAT'S WHY I AM ASKING THAT.


  54. my blogger page widths are changed in other computers, a horizontal scroll is appear at the bottom of the pages, how can i remove that1? how to change my blogger widths to all monitors completable?

    1. Hi Avinash,

      Sorry for my late reply. What's your blog's address again?

  55. Hi :)

    I was just wondering; with the new blogger-design, if it's possible to somwhow exclude the labeled "posts"/pages from the mainpage/"homepage"? My blog is in both Danish and English, so I want to devide it by adding the posts a labels like in tutorial. That part works great, but to avoid duplicate content (Google hates that is we know), I only want the English post to show up on the English page.

  56. Hi BigBadandBeautiful,

    I think I've got just what you're looking for.. But it's heavy, so do do do backup your template before you even open the following link :) And all the best!

    Hide Certain Posts from Blogger Homepage

  57. Thanka a lot! It worked out the first time and wasn't difficult at all :) I had to reread it a couple of times, but it all made sense.
    But do you think it will prevent Google from registering the duplicate content or do I have to alter the robots.txt or something?

    1. I'm not an expert when it comes to indexing, but from what I've gathered, indexing is done using Blog feed.. In your case, this is your feed:

      What you do with your homepage is just cosmetic, and your 'hidden' posts will still appear in your feed. Then again, if you're writing your contents in two different languages, I wouldn't worry about duplicate entries..

      Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with :)

  58. My blog has been indexed, but I know it's still possible to alter it.
    But what I meant was, that although it's rendered hidden to the readers, will Google stille be able to see it in homepage or wont it appear there at all?

    1. Your blog will get indexed more than once, each time Google crawls your blog's feed.. And yes, your 'hidden' posts will be visible to Google when it crawls your website, as it uses your feed for this purpose.. We can't hide blog posts from a feed..

  59. heyy please help me i have just created by blog ...
    i published a post but cannot publish it in right page..
    my blog is
    i want my post of vvs laxman under sports page

    1. Hi there,

      As I've mentioned in this post, you can't publish posts in a static page. Your posts will appear in your homepage no matter what you choose to do. Refer closely to the method explained in this post if you want some of your posts to appear in your menu bar.

  60. HI. I followed the first step and changed my pages to and its not saving. I had done it a while ago and it saved. But I wasn't sure if I was setting up my page correctly, but now when I try to make the pages act like dynamic pages ( like your tutorial here states) its not working
    not sure why not. When I try to change it again "javascript" comes up in the line to change what url I want the page to go to.

    1. That is odd.. What browser are you using? Have you tried using a different browser?

    2. I am also facing exactly the same issue i have tried this in IE, chrome and mozilla but error remains the same your help will be highly appreciated!!!!!

    3. It has been a known issue for quite some time now. There's a bug in the pages gadget and the Blogger team is working on it atm. Please use Linklist gadget temporarily.

  61. its not working for me.. i dunno if i done it the wraong way :(

  62. Hi Mhycz,

    I need more context. There are 4 steps in the tutorial above. How far have you gotten? And what exactly went wrong? Were you not be able to add your label link?

  63. Thaaaanks, great post, great step by step tutorial, simple. Moreover ... its working for me.
    Yoboy, is it possible to limit the number of post?

    1. Hi Apriyanto,

      Try adding '?max-results=1' towards the end of your label URL. For example:

      Change the value '1' in the URL above to limit the number of posts that you wanna show :)

    2. Many many thaaanks, its working for me, again. My blog is not too looong anymore.

  64. I have a question for you, one that's probably easy to answer but I just haven't figured it out.

    I want to create a list of Features, when you click on each feature it would take you to the posts with that label. For example, the list would sayd: creative writing, good food, happy places, ect.

    I'm trying to get this list to look like the one that is already on my side bar (at the top). So I would have that list, a gadget, then these features.

    Here is my blog:


    1. Hey there,

      The easiest way forward is to use the Labels gadget. Go to Dashboard - Layout - Add a Gadget - Labels. Next, if you don't want to show all your labels, choose 'Selected Labels' in the configuration window. Also, choose 'List' instead of 'Cloud' under display, and uncheck the box that says 'Show number of posts per label'.

      Cheers :)

  65. Great instructions. I believe it'll be very helpful to us. Specially all of the newbie on blogger's world. Thanks for sharing with us such a beautiful topic.

  66. Hi. Your step by step process was really helpful... My posts appear both on the Home page and also the New page that i have created. Is there a way i can make it appear only on the new page i have created and not on both the Home page and the New page?
    Thanks a lot in Advance!
    Sam. (

    1. Hi Sam,

      See if this is what you're looking for:

      Cheers :)

  67. You Sir, are a GENIUS! Other tutorials were so confusing! I'm a new blogger and I'm pleased with the results. Look for yourself..

  68. Thank you sooooo much you just saved me about another five hours of grief. I knew there was a way to do it, but I couldn't figure it out.

    1. Glad you found what you were looking for. And appreciate the feedback. Means a lot! :)


  69. Thanks man, it helps a lot,

    1. can I show only few post in any static page, because i don't want all post to be shown in one page.

    2. It depends on where exactly you're linking to your static pages, coz you need to alter the URL, as such:

  70. Hi I tried to add the css code you mentioned but i still get a message "showing posts with label beauty tips".How can i get it removed.

    1. You've got all kinds of junk in your CSS section. See the screenshot below:

      All the things I've highlighted ARE not CSS code. To see what CSS lines look like, refer to the code just above the highlighted lines. Adding these non-CSS code to CSS section will only break your template.

    2. Thanks for ur response, however i am still confused as to what changes to be made. By "refer to the code" do u mean the screenshot u placed or the code in your post.

    3. Sorry for my ridiculously late reply. I was referring to the code in the screenshot. I've highlighted the code that you need to get rid of before I took the screenshot. Long story short, refer to the screenshot, look for the highlighted lines (they're in dark-grey), find for the same lines in your CSS box, get rid of them.

      Let me know if you need further help :)


  71. I think this is what I'm trying to do with my blog, but I don't quite understand your tutorial. The places you direct me to don't seem to exist in the "new" blogger editing system. Do you have an updated version of this tutorial?

    1. Updated.. let me know if you still need help with it.


    2. Awesome! Thank you so much!
      Now that I have my pages list, I'm having trouble with the last link - I've rearranged the links to make sure it's not a specific link but the location of the link - whatever is in that last space can't be clicked on.
      I was also wondering if there is a way to change the "banner" design thing behind my links list, I don't like that it doesn't end where my links end, but instead extends the full width of the blog.

    3. Hi Samantha,

      I need to have a look at your blog. What's your blog's address?

  72. Great! Amazing! After having a headache from other instructions, I finally found the best solution to my problem on how to put my new post into the new page. You give a simple to follow instructions that works, unlike others that give us more trouble. Thank you very much. I will surely follow your blog since it is very helpful.

    1. Glad you find the instruction helpful Mathuselah! :D


  73. my home page show only 'about me' and pages show my can i? my home page don't show any can i?

  74. hi my label-static page posts are continuously going down.. not showing old post newpost options.. can i add newpost old post buttons in static page?

  75. and blogger defualt comment box is not showing. i added manually plugin a comment box. how to show comment blogger comment box. i do all changes but no blog is

    1. Static pages are meant to be a single entity. We can't add an older/newer post link, since it is meant to be separate independent pages of its own.

      As for your comment box, I see you're using a third party template. It is best you contact the author of this template, as this could be by design.

    2. OK.thank you.. and my blogger widths are changed when iam trying to open in low resolution desktops. how can i fix the width to same for all resolutions

    3. We can't fix the width of dynamic templates. Dynamic width is one the many features of a dynamic template.

  76. My pages aren't showing up on the top bar??
    Please help!!

  77. Truth is, I've had very little luck with mobile templates that I've come to the conclusion that they're not meant to be edited :(

  78. You are great.
    The tutorials were really helpful.

    I want to hide labeled posts from home.
    that mean, i posted to a specific page it appearing in home also.
    I wish to make the home with non-labeled posts only.

    Is it possible...??

    1. In a way, yes, it is possible - but it comes with some limitations too. You'll find out soon:

  79. Okay, after working on this for hours, your tutorial was the best! But, I have one question. Is my blog post supposed to be still showing up on the home page as well as the linked label page? I thought I could get it to move from one to the other. Am I still doing something wrong?

    1. Yeap, that's right. Your posts will still on your main page (homepage). There's no way to move posts from the homepage to a labelled page. BUT, there's a lengthy tweak I've come up with that could let you hide posts from your homepage. This, combined with the tweak you've already done above, could give the effect you're looking for. Check it out below:

  80. Thanks so much for these tutorials - I've been having fun playing around with my blog!

  81. Hello,
    I have a problem with labels in my blog. When you click on the label the page keeps loading... This happens with all labels that you click.
    Please help.
    Here you may find the page and just by clicking on the label "Publikime" on the bottom of the page, you can see the problem.

    1. Hey there,

      I can replicate this. I can also view your label specific feed:

      I'm thinking this could be related to the template you're using. Have you tried to see if the issue persists with another template?

  82. Hi,
    My blog is I have made the label "Group-II" into a page Group-II and Group-III. And the page is showing in its default view (Like each post as a postcard). I wanted to show the page with continuation of posts in a order.

    1. Hello There,

      The label page is an index page, and it will behave like your homepage (post summary instead of full). You will have to get structural changes done if you want to change this.


Please use the 'Ask a Question' page to shoot questions that are not related to the tutorial in the post above.