Southern Listeners

Thanks to Greenlava for this cool gadget. Get yours here

Friday, October 28, 2011

Remove Blogger Dynamic View Search Bar

Should I say more? Maybe I should. Blogger's Dynamic View comes with a little search bar, placed at the top-right corner of your blog page. If you want to remove this search bar, here's how. This is a reply to blog reader Katie.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adding an Image Next to Blogger Post Title

The title of this post is self-explanatory. By default, Blogger's post title is a plain text. In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can easily add an image next to your post title.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Remove 'Recommend this on Google' from Blogger Post Footer

I've just realised something new in my template's post footer box, something that wasn't there before --> "Recommend this on Google" text next to my Google +1 button. I don't like it as the text makes my share buttons look out of alignment. So, I've decided to hide it. And here's how.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Adding Header Image in Blogger Dynamic View

The Dynamic Views have been great and all, but the lack of customisation options have been off-putting for lots of bloggers, especially those who can't bear to have blogs without headers. That brings us to this post - how to add a header to Blogger's Dynamic View. Well, sort of. This is a response to blog reader MuseElle.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Change Dynamic View's Blog Title Color and Size

I've been publishing lots of Dynamic View basic customization tutorials lately. All these tutorials are so gonna be moot when the option to customize Dynamic View becomes available. For the mean time, let's focus on this good question that I got from blog reader रवि. He wants to change the color and font size of his Dynamic View's blog title. And here's how.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Change Blogger Dynamic View Post Title Color

While we wait for Blogger to introduce template customising options to Dynamic View, here's how you can change your Post Title's color (in Dynamic View). This is a respond to an anonymous blog reader. I figured the answer will serve better as a post rather than a comment-reply.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Change Blogger Dynamic View's Thumbnail Picture

With the exception of Classic Dynamic View, all other Dynamic Views tend to fetch the first Blogger uploaded image from your post and use this image as a thumbnail for that post. You can't readily choose which image you want to use as the thumbnail. Of course, if you have no problem with the first image being the thumbnail for your post, you wouldn't be here. In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can choose a thumbnail picture for each one of your posts in Blogger's Dynamic View. This is a reply to blog reader MarcusRimondini.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogger Label Specific Gadget

I can't think of a better title for this post. This is what the tutorial does. Say you have a gadget, and you want the gadget to be displayed only on post pages that have a particular label. The gadget won't be shown in any other pages- this includes your homepage, static pages and other post pages that don't have the said label. This question was asked by blog reader Ranjan. Sorry for the delay buddy.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hide Share Buttons in Blogger Dynamic Views

Blogger's Dynamic Views come with three default share buttons for each post - a Google +1 button, a Tweeter button, and a Facebook Like button. There's no option to turn it off as of now. In this quick tutorial, I will show you how you can hide all these buttons, or any one (or two) of them.