Southern Listeners

Thanks to Greenlava for this cool gadget. Get yours here

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rounded Corners for Blogger Posts

Happy Easter everybody! There wasn't a post last week, as I was too busy in the forum helping people. So here I am, this week, with a brand new post. Blog reader (dirtycowgirl) asked if "there is a simple way to round off the corners on blog posts". I'll show a way to make your posts have rounded corners in this week's post. Did I mention that it is a one-step tutorial?

If you're using Simple, Ethereal or Travel template, this tutorial will not be any good to you as these templates don't have corners for the post sections at all.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hide Blogger Image from Post Page but not from Main Page

Some of you might be wondering why would anyone want to hide images from the post page but show them in the main page. Well, the reason is that, these images can be used to create TGPs - Thumbnail Gallery Post. The images will appear in the main page, but when the post page is viewed, the images won't be there anymore. Sort of a welcoming committee for a certain event, you see them early on, but they won't be involved in the actual event itself. You get the idea. Let's cut to the chase shall we?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blogger Paragraphs Turn Into One Long Sentence

Google has recently released some code updates, and unfortunately these updates are causing troubles to Blogger users that are using Internet Explorer browser with the Old Blogger Editor. In this post, I will show three techniques to temporarily work around this issue.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blogger Header Image too Large

My first post as an Official Top Contributor in Google Blogger Help Forum. Yeahhh, finally I'm a Blog*Star! But I really need to learn how to better manage my time. I'm finding it really hard to find time to publish blog posts these days. Not to mention the depleting amount of ideas to blog about. It's just a matter of time before I start writing about things that are not Blogger related.

Back to this week's post. This one is for the beginners. I have written a post on how you can resize blogger's header image some time ago. I should have included this method as well, it's not that hard and it's straight forward. It's easier rather. Here comes the intro. When you upload a really huge-dimensioned image to Blogger as your header image, you won't be able to see the entire picture. It will kinda zoom in and crop the side of the picture that does not fit in your blog's width. One can always resize header image before uploading to Blogger. But it is always convenient to easily change the size of the image by just changing a number or two, and I'm gonna show you how.

